
Hybrid 5 Why Tutorial


When to use this tool

The 5-Why analysis method is used to move past symptoms and understand the true root cause of a problem. It is said that only by asking "Why?" five times, successively, can you delve into a problem deeply enough to understand the ultimate root cause. By the time you get to the 4th or 5th why, you will likely be looking squarely at bad management practices. More than 5 whys may be required for complex problems.

The Hybrid 5-Why template includes fields for recording temporary countermeasures and final countermeasures, as well as a verification field. This methodology is closely related to the Cause & Effect (Fishbone) diagram, and can be used to complement the analysis necessary to complete a Cause & Effect diagram.

How to use this tool in EngineRoom

  1. Select Hybrid 5-Why from the Analyze (DMAIC) or the or the Quality Tools (Standard) menu.
  2. Click on the Launch button to open the tool in a new window.
  3. Name the study and select one of two options - the Simplified or the Classic version of the tool.
  4. The Classic version shows a vertical flow diagram with a text box for the Failure Mode / Department or Area / Equipment at the top, followed by a cascade of boxes titled 'Why?' - this is where you will fill in the sequence of answers followed by more Why? questions, eventually leading you to identifying the potential root cause of the intitial problem. The additional text boxes on the right are for recording the temporary and premanent measures that will be set in place to prevent or eliminate the problem from occurring.
  5. The Simplified version of the template shows a flowchart with the failure mode or problem statement on the left and each of successive text boxes containing the Why’s leading up to it. Below the flowchart, you see defined boxes to enter the temporary and permanent countermeasures for the problem.
  6. This template allows you a lot of flexibility so you can customize your analysis with additional text boxes or annotations.

Hybrid 5-Why (Classic):

Hybrid 5-Why Classic chart.

Hybrid 5-Why (Simplified):

Simplified Hybrid 5-Why chart.

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