
Frequently Asked Questions

The following section presents questions and answers about the functionality of the product.

Will EngineRoom be able to handle large datasets?

Each data source uploaded into EngineRoom must be less than 10MB in size. The number of rows in each dataset is dependent on the number of columns and the size of the data points.

Does EngineRoom limit the number of variables in an analysis?

Not explicitly. However, as the number of variables in a study increases, variable processing time will increase and the system risks timing out.

How can I export/print my study output from EngineRoom to a PDF file?

In most cases, you can use the following steps:

  1. Click on the “Export” button above the study
  2. Click the “Print” button
  3. Click the “Save As” (or “Destination”) button
  4. Select “PDF.”

If you do not see the option to save as PDF, you may have to install a virtual PDF printer on your machine. You can find several options for free downloads via a quick online search.

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