
DOE Design Wizard

To learn more about specific designs to analyze using the DOE Analyzer, please refer to the following:

When to use this tool

Use the Design Wizard tool to create the experimental design, i.e., the table of treatment combinations, blocks and replicates along with blank columns to enter your response values. The wizard offers two modes to specify the design parameters - Guide Me and Expert.

Use the Guide Me mode if you're not sure which design fits the best with your needs. In this mode you will proceed in logical steps, answering specific questions and entering the information required at each step until the design is ready to be created. If you have completed a design planning worksheet before this stage, you will fins it very useful while going through this exercise. You will answer questions about the number of factors, how many levels each factor will be studies at, the size of the effect (signal) that you want to be able to detect, the estimated variability in the process, and a few other pieces of information. Based on your inputs, the wizard will display a table of options for you to pick from.

The Expert mode lets you specify the factor and levels and create the design in two steps. The assumption is that you are an advanced user who knows their way around a DOE study and has already assessed any issues involved. Here you can simply enter the factor information, and the design parameters such as desired number of replicates, blocks, center points, etc. and click the 'Create Design' button to open the DOE data source with the DOE design matrix and start entering the information on the response variable.

How to use this tool in EngineRoom

  1. Drag the Design Wizard onto the workspace.
  2. Select the data entry mode you wish to use to create the design: Guide Me or Expert
  3. Follow the instructions and enter the requested information on each subsequent screen
  4. On the final screen, you can review the design summary to make sure it reflects you desired design parameters
  5. Click Create Design.
Screenshot of Design Wizard start up menu.

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