Process Playground

Decision Block

The Decision Block offers alternatives for directing the flow of items in the model.


The first method simply assigns probabilities to each of the downstream, outbound paths connected to the block. The probabilities must sum to 1. In this mode, the Decision Block will randomly choose an outbound path based on the probabilities entered.

Decision Block Probability

Each connected outbound shape adds a line to the probability routes.


The second method assigns each downstream block a priority. The Decision Block will check the first priority block and only if that block is busy, then it will check the second priority block, and so on. The first available block will claim the item.

Decision Block Priority

Each connected outbound shape adds a line to the priority routes.

Shortest Line

The third method has the block check all downstream connected queues and activities, seeking the shortest path available at the time. This type of decision logic might be used to model a customer choosing the shortest checkout line in a grocery store.

Decision Block Shortest Path

The items will select the queue with the shortest path.

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