Making the Most of It

What you, as a learner, can do to get the most out of your MoreSteam course

We are constantly innovating to make content engaging, rigorous, and above all, applicable. Here's what YOU can do as a learner to make sure you get the most out of your MoreSteam course.

Go Slow

Rushing through the course is a great way to waste your time and retain very little material! Break the course into digestible chunks as suits your schedule and needs. When it comes to learning, slow and steady absolutely wins the race. We do not shy away from rigorous material because we know that some processes require a high level of expertise, so be patient and deliberate as you work through your course.

Do the Practice

Do the practice! Download the datasets and actually make the graphs! Play the games! You'll learn the most through doing, and through doing, you'll best improve your capacity to implement real change in your organization.


Read the Side Links

Every side link is meant to deepen your understanding in some way. Many offer real-world examples from a wide variety of industries (Case Studies), some offer opportunities to see statistical tools in action (EngineRoom Sample Projects), and still others offer visual summaries of key concepts from Master Black Belts with decades of experience.

Side Link Options

Talk About It

Different parts of your brain operate your ability to read and your ability to express yourself. Talking through what you've learned with someone else dramatically increases the likelihood that you will retain the information longer, and understand it more deeply.

Monitor Your Understanding

After each lesson, or at whatever intervals you prefer, pause and check your own understanding. Ask yourself, "Do I understand this?" Don't be afraid to go back and reread, refresh practice exercises, or re-attempt games. If you start to feel "information overload," take a break and return later. Use Notes & Highlighting to color-code important concepts, difficult concepts, etc. In general, monitoring and thinking about your own learning progress is a great way to extract as much as possible from your course.

Apply Your Knowledge

We are constantly surrounded by improvable processes, from room changeovers at the doctor's office to ordering a coffee from a barista. Apply your new knowledge of Lean Six Sigma tools and concepts to the world around you by looking for areas where variability could be decreased, or where process flows could be streamlined. In making those connections, you will deepen your understanding of Lean Six Sigma while increasing the likelihood that you will be prepared to apply it in your organization.

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