Project KPIs

*TRACtion is a customizable product. Features and setups may vary.

Add Key Performance Indicators to a Project

Access the KPIs tab on your project interface or click the "Add KPI" button in the "Details" section of the Project Charter.


If you have the ability to add a new KPI to the project, the "Add KPI" button will be available on the page. If the button does not appear for you, your project role may not allow you to add KPIs.

Select from the available KPI options in the drop down menu. For this example, we have chosen “Customer Satisfaction” as our KPI to add to the project.


Set Starting Data for KPI

Once you have chosen a KPI, you will be able to enter in data for your first data point. The KPI will already have been assigned its units used, a description, and a polarity. In the example below, “Customer Satisfaction” is described as “The happiness rating returned from customers” measured by “Satisfaction Rating.”

NOTE: the polarity is set as Maximize, so the goal for this KPI is to reach a value above the Target. For this example, we have entered in a target goal of 4.1 with a Starting Value of 3.4.


Once the data is filled in, you may press the Add KPI button to add the KPI to your project. This will generate a KPI chart on the page containing the data you had entered. In this view, you can see the name of the KPI, the data timeline, starting value, the most recent value, and the target. Note, the timeline dates are shared by all KPIs on the page.


KPI Functionality

Expanded View

If you click on the cell containing the KPI’s name, you will be able to expand the KPI information to view a description of the KPI, its units, and data collected for the KPI.


Data Modifications

Clicking on the data points will open up another menu which will allow you to see the date, value, and a comment associated by the data. If you have access to add KPI data, you can click on the empty cell to the right of the other data points to input new data which, when saved, will update the chart associated with it. You can also add comments to the data if you would like. If you have the ability to modify data points, you may click on existing data cells to make modifications.


Primary KPIs

Each project is allowed one Primary KPI which can be noted from the Charter. If you have the ability to do so, you may click the "Set Primary" button underneath a KPI to make it the Primary KPI for the project. The Primary KPI will always be the first KPI to appear on the page if the page is reloaded afterwards.


KPI Chart View

After you add more points, you may notice a green area on the KPI chart. This is the goal area for the KPI. Any points within this area are points that are meeting the target goal for the KPI.


If you hover over a data point in the KPI, a tooltip will appear which will tell you the value, date, and a snippet of any comment associated with the data.


Expanded Chart View

If your browser supports it, clicking on a KPI chart will bring up an Expanded Chart. This Expanded Chart will have axis information as well as use a timeline of the earliest data point for that KPI to the latest. Clicking elsewhere on the screen or pressing the close button in the new window will close the chart.



If you have the permissions do to so, you may see a buttons to Delete Point or Delete KPI. Delete Point will remove a data point from the KPI chart while Delete KPI will remove the KPI from the project. NOTE: Deleting a Primary KPI will cause it to no longer appear on the charter as well.


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