Kaizen Leader


Course Map

Total Estimated Hours:  22

SESSION 1: Introduction to Kaizen 3.15 HOURS

  • Introduction
  • Kaizen: Laying the Groundwork
  • The Kaizen Schedule - Pre-work
  • The Kaizen Schedule - Event Week
  • The 5 Lean Principles
  • The 8 Forms of Waste
  • DMAIC Improvement Process
  • Lean and DMAIC
  • Kaizen Measurements
  • Baseline Performance
  • Introduction to EngineRoom®
  • Learning and Problem Solving with AI
  • Session Wrap-Up and Skill Check

SESSION 2: Pre-Event Planning 5 HOURS

  • Preparing for the Kaizen Event
  • Leading Teams
  • Developing an Effective Team
  • Improving Team Development
  • 4 Conversations Toolset
  • Change Management III: Delivering Results
  • Project Charter Toolset
  • SIPOC Map Toolset
  • The Key to Successful Project Execution
  • Gantt Chart Toolset
  • Session Wrap-Up and Skill Check

SESSION 3: Kaizen Day 1: Understanding the Current State 3.8 HOURS

  • Kaizen: Day 1
  • Kaizen Event - Day 1 Schedule
  • Introduction to Process Mapping
  • The Source of Value
  • Gemba Walks
  • Takt Time
  • Value-Added Flow Charts
  • Spaghetti Diagrams
  • Value Stream Mapping Toolset
  • The Theory of Constraints (TOC) Toolset
  • Session Wrap-Up and Skill Check

SESSION 4: Kaizen Day 2: Root Causes and Solutions 2.8 HOURS

  • Kaizen: Day 2
  • Kaizen Event - Day 2 Schedule
  • Cause and Effect Diagram Toolset
  • 5-Why, 1-How Analysis
  • Scatter Plot Toolset
  • Brainstorming
  • Session Wrap-Up and Skill Check

SESSION 5: Kaizen Days 3 and 4: Implementing Change 5 HOURS

  • Kaizen: Day 3 and 4
  • Kaizen Event - Day 3 & 4 Schedule
  • FMEA Toolset
  • Continuous Flow Toolset
  • Quick Changeover Toolset
  • Replenishment Pull Systems Toolset
  • Error-proofing
  • Prioritizing and Selecting a Solution
  • The A3 One-Page Report
  • Piloting a Solution
  • Session Wrap-Up and Skill Check

SESSION 6: Kaizen Day 5: Project Close and Follow-up 2.7 HOURS

  • Kaizen: Day 5
  • Kaizen Event - Day 5 Schedule
  • Control Charts Revisited
  • 5-S Approach
  • Visual Management
  • Control Plan
  • TPM Objectives and Benefits
  • Standard Work
  • Project Close-Out
  • Session Wrap-Up and Skill Check
  • Course Completion and Feedback